Program Outcomes
Leadership Victoria (LV) has been delivering unique programs for over 30 years to leaders from a diverse mix of sectors, industries, backgrounds, identities and experiences.
LV’s trusted and enduring Alumni network of 6,000+ diverse leaders across Victoria are passionate about, committed to, and working to create inclusive, equitable and sustainable communities. In particular, graduates of our flagship Williamson Community Leadership Program (WCLP) are in a wide range of leadership positions across all sectors in Victoria and beyond.
Leadership Victoria’s impact is strengthened through our growing network of alumni and graduates, together with corporate, philanthropic, government and community partners and supporters who are committed to tackling leadership challenges and mobilising others to achieve important outcomes.
By reaching out, connecting and empowering others to work together for a common purpose, they contribute to our mission to build leadership wisdom in Australia and beyond and mobilise leaders to make a difference in their organisation and community.
We have continued to build our networks across Victoria, Australia and the world. We have built our leadership development programs and increased our work with corporate, government and community organisations on projects to develop leaders and to increase inclusion, equality and progress.
Celebrating Our Collective Achievements
- Developing national and Australasian networks through our connection and support of community leadership with organisations such as Leadership Western Australia, Leadership Tasmania, Leadership New Zealand and Leadership Fiji. We’ve hosted international delegations from Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Korea, the African Union and more.
- Working collaboratively with renowned international leadership practitioners such as Marty Linsky, Nick Craig, and Lisa Lahey of Harvard, and Ed O’Malley, CEO of the Kansas Leadership Center to ensure we apply contemporary best practice.
- Hosting the Southern Hemisphere’s first-ever Case in Point accreditation for Australian leadership practitioners.
- Working in partnership with Victorian government departments to deliver custom and flexible development opportunities for women, the LGBTIQ community, people with disability and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Supported leadership development in rural and regional Victoria through support of The Leadership Network (formerly Community Leadership Australia) and co-delivery of programs with local government, the Victorian Regional Community Leadership Programs and others across most of Victoria from Miljura to the Le Tri Valley, from Donga to Ballarat, from Bendigo to Cardinia and many other locations. We’ve hosted two rural and regional leadership dinners and helped build truly state-wide networks across leaders and leadership programs.
- Working in partnership with Victoria Police and the local community to build leadership capability in emerging leaders, foster intercultural understanding across the local community and Victoria Police to drive change at a community level through programs such as the Wyndham Future Leaders and Greater Dandenong Young and Emerging Leaders Program.
- Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to support Ganbina Indigenous Youth Program, The Indigenous Leadership Network and Fellowship and the National Centre for Indigenous Studies.
- Working in partnership with community organisations and local government to develop organisational and community leadership capability through programs such as the Cardinia Community Leadership Program.
- In addition to our open enrolment programs which cater for a wide spectrum of leadership experience from emerging leaders through to senior leaders, we design and deliver more than 30 customised or inhouse programs annually.
- Drawing on our unique network across business, government and civic organisations to match senior leaders from a range of professions, industries and sectors to mentor emerging leaders.
LV continues to remain at the forefront of contemporary leadership wisdom and practice to enable our entire LV network to contribute to building a better world.